Trendy Tuesday ~ Cozy Knits

Knits aren’t just for wearing anymore! Here are 8 of my favorite knitted home decor trends right now.

Cozy knits collage numbered

  1. Crochet lamp shades from Birch & Bird
  2. Cardigan pendant lamp from The Land of Nod
  3. Kneatly Knit storage bins from The Land of Nod
  4. Knit taxidermy cover from Ok Great!
  5. Knit mug cozi from Natalya’s Studio on Etsy
  6. Knit pillows from Elegant Simplicity
  7. Afghan from Flotsam & Jetsam
  8. Knit chair socks from Happiness is

Makes want to snuggle up and get cozy, doesn’t it?!? Now where’s my hot cocoa….