Happenings lately….

Well, the summer for us comes to an official end next week as the kids start pre-school. They will both be in school 3 days a week, which means I will have lots of time again to work on my projects & blog…in peace!! (You have NO IDEA how happy I am for that!)

Man it’s hard trying to get things done and write up a post when the kids are around. I don’t know how all of you who have kids and work out of the home or homeschool do it!! Kudos to you. You have much more patience than I do:)

Anyways….I know my posts have been pretty sporadic and a bit boring lately (quite frankly my blog has even been putting me to sleep!) The summer has just come and gone, and even thought we had a lot of fun this summer, I really didn’t get as much done around here as I planned. Now that September is almost here I’m ready to try and get back into the swing of things and get some projects around the house done that we started and never finished…such as the boys bathroom. Yup. Still in the same state as it was back in this post. Sigh.

So even though I have no project posts to share just yet, I thought I would give you a sneak peak of what’s in the works. If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you may have already seen these pictures, but if not (and why the heck aren’t ya?!?) then keep reading my friends.

mind dump

I started out my week with a mind dump….a strategy that I learned from The Pugly Pixel about time management (a department I need lots of help in!) You can read all about her method here, but basically I sit down in the morning with my cup of coffee before anyone wakes up and just dump out everything that is in my brain onto a piece of paper. Scary right?!? Then I go back and organize it on my to-do list and schedule out my week. I feel relieved and clear minded after purging my thoughts. Will definitely be making this part of my weekly routine:)  Anyone else have any good time management tips that can help a girl out? Please share.


I just purchased Photoshop Elements. I’ve been wanting it for a while and it was too good of a deal to pass up, so now I need to figure out how to use this sucker so I can re-design my blog, hopefully by the end of the year!


The hubs started to hang some shelving in my Craft Room/Guest Bedroom last week, but didn’t have the right screwdriver, so now it sits…..humph. At least I have the stenciled wall and the window treatments complete. I only have a few more little projects to finish up in this room before the big reveal!

carsons room samples

I ordered some fabric samples from Tonic Living for Carson’s big boy room and they arrived last week! We bought him a double bed and a red locker cabinet at the beginning of the summer and it looks pretty silly in his room that is still decorated with green and yellow baby stuff. This will be my next big project to work on after I finally finish up my craft room/guest bedroom re-do. I just love designing kids rooms! You can have so much fun with them.


I also picked up a few fabrics to make some new toss cushions for our family room. Good colors for fall.

 diy ikat chevron rug

I had a Michelangelo moment the other day and decided to freehand paint an Ikat chevron print onto my front rug. Not really turning out as I planned……possible DIY disaster on our hands here.

And that’s it. It will be a little quiet around here until next week as I am heading out of town this weekend and will then be rushing around getting kids ready for school next Wednesday, so until then, have yourselves a great long weekend! I hope you end your summer with a bang!

Oh, and one last thing….I just discovered Windows Live Writer and have no idea how I survived this long without it! Oh.My.Word. it is so much easier than writing posts in blogger. Definitely worth checking out.