Trendy Tuesday ~ Color Combos: Pink & Gold

One thing is for sure, trends have a history of repeating themselves over time. Sometimes past trends that we look back on as tacky and gaudy turn out so much better the second time around.

Pink & Gold were all the rage in the 80's, but the interiors were waaaayyyy over done if you ask me! 
Exhibit A. The 80's pink home office.

 Wall to wall pink carpeting, gold floral wall paper and matching chairs.... I'm getting a migrane just looking at it. And check out the hideous ceiling fixture!! And what in the world is on the windows? Let's hope we learned our lesson here.

This time around the trend is being re-incarnated into something much simpler and classic, with just a hint of pink & gold.

And in my opinion, NO ONE does pink better than Samantha Pynn.
Her designs always have the perfect balance of color.

My style used to lean towards the more masculine side with dark, heavy woods, but now I find myself drawn towards more delicate & bright feminine spaces. Maybe it's all the testosterone in my life these days...who knows! 
One thing for sure is with this trend, I think it walks a fine line between just enough and too much. We don't really want a repeat of the 80's wall to wall pink.....just a touch. Enough to make an impact, but not too much that you end up screaming from the room with sensory overload!

What are your thoughts on pink & gold? Should it stay in the eighties, or is it...
just the bee's knees?!