My flea market find & a good cause

 Today's post is a little hodgepodge of random stuff. First up, flea market season is finally here! The Burlington Antique Show had it's first show of the year last Sunday, and I took the whole family to check it out. I only snapped a few pictures because I was too busy gawking at all the fabulous stuff that I plain forgot. Here's a few things that really caught my attention. 

 Funky gears.

Cool retro trim.

 Channel letters.

I freakin' LOVE these. They were going at $20-$25 a piece, which is a little steep, and I couldn't talk the seller down (I'm a TERRIBLE barterer. Don't EVER take me used car shopping!) So I walked around for a little while and couldn't stop thinking about them, so I went back and picked up this beauty for $20.

 This big C will find a home in Carson's big boy room that we will be re-doing later this year. (He's growing up so fast!! We promised him a big boy bed when he started going to the potty, and I'm happy to say that after 4 1/2 years, we are officially DONE with the diapers!! That's a good feeling.) Anyways,  I'm thinking of painting the big C white on the inside and bright orange on the outside. Just looking at this picture right now is making me smile! Lurve it.

 Even though I only came home with one thing, it was so refreshing and inspiring just looking around. I will have to get my but in gear and get up earlier next time to get there before noon. We were out until 2am the night before at one of our infamous neighborhood parties, so needless to say we were a little slow going sunday morning;) 

On a side note, I've been looking to find something to replace my beloved photo editing site Picnik that is closing on Thursday. So sad. I've been avoiding dealing with Picnik's shutdown, but now I have no other alternative than to suck it up and find something new. Low and behold I stumble upon PicMonkey, which was started by some of the creaters behind picnik, and it has a lot of the same features that Picnik offered. They have some really cool effects that I tried out on the pictures above. And its FREE....for now. We'll see how long it stays that way! 

These are the filters I used if you are interested:

 1. orton
2. film stock
3. cross process
4. boost
5. intrepid

And lastly, I wanted to talk a little bit about a good cause.

 Team Ryan 2011

For the last 2 years, we have participated in The March of Dimes March for Babies here in Cincinnati, and will be walking again this year on Sunday April 29th. We walk for Team Ryan in honor of  Ryan Hanna, son to our good friends and neighbors who lost his battle with Meningitis at only 4 weeks old. You can learn more about their story here, and why they walk to raise money to support research that will help save many babies lives.

I am proud of The Hanna family & Team Ryan's fundraising efforts, and am truly honored to be a part of such a great event.  They have taken a terrible tragedy and created some much needed love, hope & support to other parents and babies that are dealing with loss or premature birth.

I f you are interested in donating to this event, visit my Sponsor Page,or click on the widget in my sidebar or below. Thank-you.